Monday, November 28, 2011

NOTW & Nail Art + skin update

hello beauty lovers,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I was a little sick because at our company dinner at work they served us undercooked turkey. So I was feeling a little sick, along with half of my other co-workers and really couldn't enjoy my mothers cooking the next day but none the less I was thankful for many things this year. And also I had to go and get an upgrade on my phone as well because the one I had the touch screen gave up AGAIN! it had to be replaced like four times and i was getting really sick of it!

So for the past week or so these have been my nails and as you can see it was time for a new manicure.

Gelous Advanced Nail Gel Coat as base coat
NYC Expert Last Nail Polish in Hint of Mint
Revlon Top Speed in Metallic
Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat

And I was just about to remove it and pick a new color when I decided to play around with it. I don't do nail art very often and when I do its usually just on one finger but I had time and I was bored so why not!

Confetti in Black Tie for the large stripe
Confetti in Wedding White for dotting
Milani Nail Art in Art Of Silver for striping
Milani Nail Art in White Canvas for striping
LA Colors Art Deco in Black for striping
Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat

So that was that, and I'm thinking about removing them tonight and go for red...
Also, Ive been thinking about shaping my nails oval...hmm

SKIN UPDATE: its been a little over a week since I started that hormonal acne treatment and all my breakouts are gone! However, my pores are still purging and I see lots of little whiteheads and little blackheads coming to the surface, but they're not inflamed or red and definitely a lot less bothersome than the huge cystic breakouts I've had...
The Epiduo is amazing. Ive expected side effects or at least a little redness or irritation but none so far! It didn't even make my skin too oily like Tazorac for example, nor did my skin dry out. Love it! I am just trying to find a new product that will help me fade the spots it left. I used AcuDerm Rejuvenating Lotion before with excellent results but Ive been thinking to just try and apply lemon juice to the spot!


  1. so pretty... I'm your newest follower :)
    Check out my blog as well

  2. that is SOME nail art. i am too impatient to do any nail art, the most creative thing i will do is an accent nail :P i love the base color! it reminds me of opi stranger tides


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